The Unfortunate

The people that were most unfortunate were the ones that had to experience "Little Boy." Here are some more pictures, however these are of the people.

This is a picture of a young girl still alive with her skin pealing off like a snake would shed their skin except this is much more painful. Because of the high dosage of radiation and uranium, her skin peals off exposing her flesh to all the rubble and bacteria. Sooner or later, if she doesn't die from blood loss or exposure to radiation, she will die from bacterial infections.

And then there were also the less unfortunate that never stood a chance against the radiation. This young boy was victim of radiation to a point of no return. This middle schooler was carbonized immediately.

There were also some instances where people who were sitting down(such as this picture to the left) were exposed to "1,000 degrees to 3,000 degrees centigrade" were carbonized or incinerated immediately. All that would be left would be the marks of where these bodies once sat.


     This is an image of a soldiers eye. This man was exposed to the radiation and looked directly at the atomic bomb. What this man has is what scientists  call atomic bomb cataracts. Some cases of atomic bomb cataracts even occurred many months after being exposed to the radiation and also many years after.

It's depressing to know that we, Americans and our fathers and grandfathers, did this to 66,000 people in one day with one bomb. It's troubling to think that this boy and girl did nothing to us. This was where President Truman crossed the line from being in war to immoral acts.

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